
A look Into Starbucks Post Pandemic: Sales & Revenue

               Starbucks Projected Sales and Revenue Post COVID            Starbucks has ultimately transformed into the world's superior coffee shop. Their beverages and evolving brand, has unquestionably dominated U.S. sales. Starbucks, like many other businesses however, have indeed suffered from the colossal impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Their net revenue for the year was $23.5 billion, meaning it was down approximately 11.3% from 2019.      This descrease in revenue was absolutely reflective of temporary store closures, and modified business operations. Once many stores were cleared for reopen, they began to see a steady increase in sales instantly. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Starbucks as a corproation has worked passionately to develop easier and more favorable ways to get coffee at its stores. They have made significant innovations with their digital programs, as well as made pre-ordering a preferred option.       The company as a whole has learned to appropria

Enjoy Starbucks at Home: Recipes, Coffee Beans, Etc.

  Starbucks Merchandise: At Home Favorites     There is various ways you can still recieve your preferred Starbucks drink, from the comfort of your own home. Starbucks offers endless formats, as they understand that coffee selection may varry upon the individual. Some of these formats include: whole beans, groud coffee, K-cup pods, Starbucks fresh brew, cold brew, Starbucks Via Instant, Starbucks by Nespresso and Verismo Pods. They also have every brewed coffee available in the store, for purchase as well. Favorites like Starbucks blonde roast, medium roast, dark roast, flavored coffees and decaf coffees can all be bought and brewed at home.      Starbucks has worked to produce and sell almost all their products, to ensure they they can be readily convienent whenever desired. Major grocery stores now carry Starbucks creamers and complements, along with flavored syrups for latees and espresso. Their website even goes as far as to include almost all their drink recipes, including festive

Starbucks Education Benefits: Arizona State University

         Starbucks College Achievement Plan         The opportunity to go to college, is a once and a liftetime freedom. Starbucks wants to grant this opportunity to every full or part time employee, as they have 100% tuition coverage for a first time beachelor's degree through the Arizona State University's online program. As an an employee, you    can choose from over 100 various degree programs in                     which Starbucks fully supports. Starbucks has offered this educational benefit, as they too believe every individual should have a preference to go to college regardless of their current fiancial standing or life barriers.      Starbucks wants to help current and future employees to provide them a college education, and has partnered with Arizona State to do so. The requirements to participate in the Starbucks College Achievement Plan, are very minimal. You have to have completed 240 hours over three full consecutive months, as this ensures that you are appropr

Starbucks Health and Well-being: Admist COVID-19 Pandemic

        How is Starbucks coping with the COVID-19 Pandemic?          Given the recent COVID-19 pandemic, businesses all around the world have had to cope with the changing laws and restrictions being mandated globaly. This has been extraordinarily challenging, as Starbucks has had to implement new regulations to ensure the safety of both their  employees and costumers.       In this period of unknown, Starbucks has powerfully recognized the significant efforts of the front-line responders and health care commuity as a whole. The coporation has announced that throughout the month of December, all U.S Starbucks will be offering a free tall brewed coffee (hot or iced) to front-line responders. This promotion is intended to show great gratitude and appreciation to those working to keep our local communities safe during COVID-19.       In addition to providing a free cup of coffee, Starbucks has generously dohnated $100,000 to National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) to further support f

Starbucks Vigorous Attempt to Reduce Carbon Footprint

          Starbucks New Environmental Sustainability Commitment      It goes without saying that Stabucks remains a major corporation globally. The famous coffeehouse chain has progressively evolved, as of early 2020 the company operates over 30,000 locations wordwide in more than 70 countires. While demand is undeniably high, it's crucial to analyze how the Starbucks corporation is dealing with nationwide affairs. The brand has worked tremendously to ensure their stores are environmentally friendly, while also developing new goals to become "resource positive". These goals have been proudly published, and entirely available for any consumer to access.      Starbucks new sustainability push, will undoubtedly change the traditional business design both in stores and universally. This "sustainability push" will be implemented in a variety of ways, as Starbucks wants to take direct initative.  The initative is centered upon five main goals: 1. Add more menu items t

The Importance of A/B Testing & Optimizing Content Engagement

 ( Disclaimer: This is for a college assignment and contains fictious material that is not intended for an outside audience.)  The Importance of AB Testing & Optimizing Content Engagement     A/B Testing is a marketing tactic, that has proven to be extremely beneficial as it has allowed marketers to observe how different forms of content perform alongside together. This concept can be utilizied in various platforms, however is most successful when two different versions of content are created:with direct changes limited to a single variable. By then displaying the two forms of content to two different audiences, you will be able to generare both analytics and insight regarding which one performed better. A/B testing is more accurate when evaluated over a specific period of time. The time frame needs to be long enough, to ensure that conclusions and correlations can be made after the appropriate data is collected.      A/B testing can be conducted in almost any form of media content

Seeking College Graduates? A New Perspective on Career Opportunities

 ( Disclaimer: This is for a college assignment and contains fictious material that is not intended for an outside audience.)                                                                          Looking for a young, twenty-something college grad to join your team with fresh set of eyes and energy to learn? I can help you create a competitive hiring pool of college graduates that are actively pursuing you!     Together, we w ill design an internship program that allows you to scope out talent and develop skills in your potential employees. We will build a network with universities that attracts college students to your business before they even graduate. We will meet these candidates where they are at by connecting with them on the social media platforms they are actively using.     Beyond networking with universities and social platforms, we will leverage fun and exciting elements of your community by linking students to appealing living situations. Moving away from college town an