Starbucks Education Benefits: Arizona State University


       Starbucks College Achievement Plan 

       The opportunity to go to college, is a once and a liftetime freedom. Starbucks wants to grant this opportunity to every full or part time employee, as they have 100% tuition coverage for a first time beachelor's degree through the Arizona State University's online program. As an an employee, you 
  can choose from over 100 various degree programs in                     which Starbucks fully supports. Starbucks has offered this educational benefit, as they too believe every individual should have a preference to go to college regardless of their current fiancial standing or life barriers. 

    Starbucks wants to help current and future employees to provide them a college education, and has partnered with Arizona State to do so. The requirements to participate in the Starbucks College Achievement Plan, are very minimal. You have to have completed 240 hours over three full consecutive months, as this ensures that you are appropriately trained in and eligible for benefits. You then must apply to ASU, and submit any prior transcripts you may have completed. If you are already enrolled at another college and wish to tranfer, you can transfer to ASU anytime free of cost. 

    This plan is intentionally designed, as Starbucks has presented value in postsecondary education. The corporation as a whole has implemented this achievement plan, as they know that college may not be realistically afforadble for everyone.  The program is also very reflective of Starbucks ongoing commitment to encourgaing success within their employees. 

    It goes without saying that Starbucks has presented a new level of opportunity for potential students, and has worked to give this educational possibility to all whom desire it.  



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