Seeking College Graduates? A New Perspective on Career Opportunities

 ( Disclaimer: This is for a college assignment and contains fictious material that is not intended for an outside audience.)


        Looking for a young, twenty-something college grad to join your team with fresh set of eyes and energy to learn? I can help you create a competitive hiring pool of college graduates that are actively pursuing you!  


Together, we will design an internship program that allows you to scope out talent and develop skills in your potential employees. We will build a network with universities that attracts college students to your business before they even graduate. We will meet these candidates where they are at by connecting with them on the social media platforms they are actively using.  


Beyond networking with universities and social platforms, we will leverage fun and exciting elements of your community by linking students to appealing living situations. Moving away from college town and finding a community to live in can be challenging for graduates. We will develop relationships with local apartment buildings and cultivate a community that meets their needs.  


Together we can work together to build these partnerships and design attractive employment opportunities that focus on growth, community, and flexibility.  


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