
Showing posts from September, 2020

Soil Erosion: Founding FSEFTF

 ( Disclaimer: This is for a college assignment and contains fictious material that is not intended for an outside audience).      FSEFTF:   "Fighting Soil Erosion For the Future"     Soil Erosion is an ongoing environmental issue that is extremely detrimental to the Grand Forks area. " FSEFTF"  was created by founder Mike Olson in 2012 as an attempt to slow the soil erosion in the community. The company was created when Mike Olson's family home was destroyed by the fluctuating river. He found a real passion for this cause because he doesn't want others to go through what his family went through. In the past 8 years the organization has helped many farmers and ranchers develop new ways of ditching and pestiside use without causing economic distress for the community.  Soil erosion effects farming communities more than others, as due to frequent use of the soil, they put greater stress on it, thus accelerating the rate of erosion. This also creates a vicious

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Harry Styles Performing Live: Alerus Center

      Harry Styles Performing Live: Alerus center Grand Forks ( This blog post is for a college assignment and contains ficitious information)          Harry Styles has been a hit artisit for years, and has notriously produced singles that are  enjoyed by fans across the world! His new album "Fine Line" has produced a large following, and has landed spots on Itunes Top 10 Hits. Harry is enjoying his current fame:however wants to make the most of his tour, as he has vowed to perform in all 50 states. His devotion to his fans has truly inspired him to perfrom predominately in the United States.                      As for the state of North Dakota, Harry will be perfroming on September 30th at the Alerus                    center in Grand Forks. The concert will include both  Style's new hit 's along with some of his  orginal famous singles. Given that  Styles is a single performing artisit, there will be no opening performance. The concert will be begin at 8:00 PM, how